Havening Touch with Kate

Without a doubt my practice at Black Dog Therapy changed when I started studying Havening in 2020. This simple, yet highly effective practice, involving using your hands to gently stroke your palms together, your arms and/or face is transformative. Gentler and less intrusive than other therapies I may use, I find Havening to be kinder on those I am supporting.

My clients are guided to apply the movements and touch to themselves, so they can remain in their own space, and they apply touch at a rate and pace that feels safe to them.

Havening touch may be coupled with:

* gentle exploration of how you are feeling

* talking through emotional blocks

* re-visiting difficult memories

* noticing how your body feels or hold pain, tension or other sensations

* distraction or guided exercises

* creatively exploring alternative outcomes or endings

* affirmations or 'what if?' statements to move towards meaningful affirmations that feel achievable

Havening allows us to access and generate delta brain waves. These brain waves are associated with a feeling of safety, relaxation, restorative sleep (whilst being fully awake in the therapy) for replenishment and resiliency. Impressively, Havening increases your own serotonin and oxytocin (happy hormones) which is why I teach my clients Havening techniques as a tool they can take away from the session to use as and when they may feel overwhelmed or in needed of some mental health first aid at home.

If you are interested to know more about Havening and how it may help you and your mental health, please do get in touch.

Kate x

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